
Today's News: Our Take - Omarosa Calls Bethenny "Mediocre," Ridiculous Argument Ensues

Talking out your differences isn't so easy - even on a daytime talk show!

Bethenny Frankel invited Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth on to her talk show Bethenny , in an episode airing Wednesday. But after three years of insulting each other in the press, the ladies decided to do it in person.

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"It's different for you and I, I am an African American woman. You get to walk around and be mediocre and you still get rewarded with things. We have to be exceptional to get anything in this business," Manigault-Stallworth said, eliciting boos from the audience. "I wasn't calling her mediocre. Clearly she's doing well. I am here on your show and I think that's fantastic."

Frankel tried to move past the comment, but became defensive when she had trouble getting in a word. "I think that you do have a career; I invited you here. I don't think you have a brand. I think you are infamous; that's what I really think," Frankel said. "I am on the show because I want to give a point of view and let you give your point of view. I don't think you have a brand. What is your brand?"

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Manigault-Stallworth and Frankel both got their starts on reality TV'sApprentice franchise, and began feuding way back in 2010 when Frankel criticized Manigault-Stallworth's career (or lack thereof, in Frankel's opinion) on The View. "Today she tried to act like her show was superior to my new show and her book was superior to my book or her career was superior," Manigault-Stallworth told Perez Hilton at the time. "She is making a living in the world of reality just like me."

Things escalated on the show when Manigault-Stallworth responded. "I am a strong businesswoman who celebrates being smart, and there is a brand in being smart," she said. Frankel shot back, "So your brand is being smart? Omarosa's brand is smart. Is that in your business plan?"

Watch the full exchange below:

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What do you think of the ladies' latest showdown?

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<li>Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth</li><li>Bethenny Frankel</li><li>Bethenny</li>


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