4-H Rabbit Show results
The Saline County 4-H Rabbit Show was July 24 at the Saline County Fairgrounds, where 4-H members competed for Best of Breed and Best Opposite. Thanks to Mike Wilson for judging this show, to Cindy Boulds and Gayla Heath for serving as superintendents, and to Carla Reed and Brianna Johnson for announcing the show, recording scores and handing out ribbons.
Courtney Boulds received the Mini-Rex Best of Breed with her senior doe, and Ryan Boulds received the Mini-Rex Best Opposite with his junior buck. Courtney Boulds also received Lop Best of Breed honors with her junior buck, and Ryan Boulds earned Best Opposite with his junior doe in this category.
The Flemish Giant Best of Breed went to Chloe Hopkins with her intermediate doe, and Best Opposite went to Emma Carlile with her intermediate buck.
In the lightweight category, Kayla Heath received Best of Breed with her senior buck. In the heavyweight category, Best of Breed went to Rachel Myers with her senior doe, and Emma Carlile's senior buck took Best Opposite.
Champion Market Pen of Three and Overall Market Champion went to Zane Carlile.
Courtney Boulds' Mini Rex entry received Overall Grand Champion Breeding Rabbit, and Kayla Heath's lightweight entry received Overall Reserve Champion Breeding Rabbit. Congratulations to all of our rabbit exhibitors.<object id="Extra Pictures" type="x-im/image" uuid="F9FBAA99-5615-4C4A-B002-1EB09F71BDB4"><links><link rel="self" type="x-im/image" uri="im://image/F9FBAA99-5615-4C4A-B002-1EB09F71BDB4.jpg" uuid="F9FBAA99-5615-4C4A-B002-1EB09F71BDB4"><data><title><![CDATA[