
Daughters of the American Revolution honors 2020 Good Citizen winner

GALATIA - Each year the Michael Hillegas Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution recognizes and rewards high school seniors who exemplify the qualities of a good citizen: dependability, service, leadership and patriotism.

This year candidates were selected from applicants representing Carrier Mills, Galatia, and Harrisburg. Each entry receives a DAR Good Citizen Certificate and pin, and cash award.

Jaedyn Beers was the Galatia DAR Good Citizen winner as well as the overall county winner. Jaedyn is the daughter of Jerry and Kristy Beers of Galatia. Jaedyn received the DAR Good Citizen Certificate and pin, and an award for $200.

Jaedyn was a 2020 graduate and honor student at Galatia High School as well as Salutatorian of her class. During her senior year, she was president or vice president of six different clubs. In addition she was the school representative to the Dale Fowler Youth Advisory Council.

Her winning essay was entitled, "Our American Heritage and Our Responsibilities for Preserving It."

The references on her application praised her for her work ethic, leadership skills, teamwork and community service.