
Gary Brown: For everything, there is a day

Fortunately for people who might have been running around in bare feet, Don't Step on a Bee Day, July 10, came in the middle of Nude Recreation Week this year.

And, the Fourth of July was the same day as Independence From Meat Day. Some vegetarian apparently had a bee in her bonnet about barbecues.

Nevertheless, July is still National Grilling Month, National Hot Dog Month -- Thursday was National Hot Dog Day ‹ and National Baked Bean Month. So the picnics and the patio parties appear to be safe.

We all missed one of the summer's primary holidays -- Sunday was National Ice Cream Day. It closely followed Embrace Your Geekness Day on Friday and Cherry Pit Spitting Day July 7. And there was another national day earlier this month which I can't seem to remember. Wait, I recall now that I Forgot Day was July 2.

Filling Time

I came across these days when I searched for strange national observances to fill in the dead time between the Fourth of July and Labor Day. If you've also got the urge to celebrate something, Cow Appreciation Day is July 21, Hot Enough For Ya Day is July 23, Tell and Old Joke Day is July 24, Garlic Day is July 27 and National Cowboy Day is July 28.

Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day and Walk on Stilts Day both are July 27. I urge you not to observe them at the same time.

National Get Out of the Doghouse Day was Tuesday, which seems a shame because the rest of July still is National Doghouse Repairs Month. There may never be a better time to be in the doghouse.

Another Month

August holds its own celebrations.

Aug. 11-19 is Elvis Week. Aug. 12 is Elvis Presley Commemoration Day - the same day as Vinyl Record Day. Elvis is in the calendar. Thank you, thank you very much.

Throughout August it's Happiness Happens Month, so let's hope it does. It's also National Win With Civility Month, so don't whine.

You may have known this, but Aug. 6-10 is Psychic Week and Aug. 5 is Psychic Sunday. The same week is "Don't Wait! Celebrate!" week.

There are a number of food days during August. Aug. 3 is Braham Pie Day.

Aug. 4 is National Chocolate Chip Day and National Mustard Day. Aug. 10 is S'mores Day and Kool-Aid Day. Aug. 24 is National Waffle Day and Aug. 29 is More Herbs, Less Salt Day. Aug. 30 is National Toasted Marshmallow Day, which really is just S'mores Day without the graham crackers.

Aug. 8 is Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night. Somebody in the day-making business has got to get a night life.

National Underwear Day also is Aug. 8. You shouldn't need a day for this, but remember to change them.

August is a friendly month. Aug. 1 is Girlfriend's Day. Aug. 5 is Friendship Day. Aug. 15 is Best Friends Day. And Aug. 25 is Kiss and Make Up Day.

Right now we're smack dab in the middle of Weird Contest Week, National Aviation Week, National Resurrect Romance Week and Knights of Columbus week.

It's also Thanks For All the Great Gifts Week. That seems a bit


Reach Canton Repository Living Section Editor Gary Brown at (330) 580-8303 or
