
Cavs' Snow knows his role

The old legs didn't look tired. Every time a coach passed him the ball at the end of practice Monday, Eric Snow buried the 3-pointer from the left wing.

Snow celebrated his 34th birthday in April, but this week he feels 20-something again. The bounce in Snow's step has picked up, the focus in his eyes has grown tighter and his passion to win a championship is as strong as ever.

While the Cavaliers were busy plowing through to the NBA Finals, Snow made sure his teammates believed. During most timeouts, Snow could be heard telling them as much.

"We deserve to be here," Snow told them during the Game 5 double-overtime win in Detroit. "We can win this."

It wasn't just inspiration. Half of the Cavs' mental battle is believing they belong.

"I wanted the guys to understand we worked hard to get to this point," Snow said. "We're good enough to win a championship. You've got to believe it and not just think it's an accident and we got here by luck."


Yes, Snow still has fire. He talked a few a weeks ago about playing another three years.

"Every city I've played in has been to the finals (Philadelphia, Seattle)," Snow said. "Hopefully, the third time is the charm. I treasure it, because I know how rare it is to get there. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. You have to take advantage of it, because future years aren't guaranteed."

Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one — especially a guy with 12 seasons under his belt and a long way removed from Canton McKinley High School. Snow will play in his 100th NBA playoff game Thursday.

There isn't much he hasn't seen on an NBA court. He was part of a 76ers team that people said had no chance to win in 2001 against the Lakers.

Philadelphia opened those Finals on the road against a Lakers team that had not lost a playoff game — until Snow helped lead Philly to an improbable win that night.

While Snow's playing time has been reduced, his presence has not. His defense in Game 5 played a pivotal role.

His attitude in the postseason has inspired teammates.

"Eric Snow has been terrific," Cavs Head Coach Mike Brown said. "I went to him and I said, ‘Eric, I'm going to play Damon, see if we can spread the floor, drive and kick and see if we can get some looks that way.' He handled it just like a professional."

That is what Cleveland has grown to expect from the team's other native son.

"Every time I called his number, whether it's 2.2 seconds ... or for seven or eight minutes ... he always came in and came up big," Brown said.


You've seen the LeBron James commercials with regular LeBron and wise LeBron. Snow could be wise LeBron.

Snow talks with James as the Cavs superstar walks onto the court. Snow has given rookie Daniel Gibson a crash course in defense.

"It means a lot," James said of Snow's leadership. "He's been to the Finals twice. His voice is heard all over the locker room. Before practice, after practice, during the games. His voice is heard, and he knows it means a lot."

James will never have Snow's experience this season.

"And I'll never have his talent," Snow said, laughing.

But the superstar listens to the veteran. Even though both are co-captains, it can't be easy telling James what to do.

"It hasn't been difficult for me, because I've always tried to do it since I've been here," said Snow, who has 10 steals, 20 assists, 27 points and seven turnovers in 203 playoff minutes. "I'm not trying to do it just because. I'm trying to help him be a better person, help him be a better player and help us be a better team.

"There's never been a perfect player, and you help (James) understand it. The saying I use is I can tell you a lot better than I can show you."

Snow is well-liked in the locker room. He is appreciated for his experience and for the example he sets. He is one of the most involved players in the community, both near Cleveland and in the hometown he never forgot.


When the Cavs arrive in San Antonio this evening, a media circus awaits.

Distractions will be everywhere. Ticket requests from all corners will come in.

"Everything is escalated. ... They all will be in awe," Snow said. "The best teacher in this league ... is experience. The only way you can understand something is to go through it."

Snow remembers his first NBA Finals. He was a rookie with Seattle.

"I didn't know what to expect," he said. "There's a lot of different distractions ... You still have a game to play. You have to remember why you're there."

The Cavs want more than a conference title. They want it all. Snow does, too.

"If you believe, then you're giving yourself a true opportunity," Snow said. "If you're just happy to be here, you're not truly giving yourself a chance."

Reach Canton Repository sports writer Todd Porter at (330) 580-8340 or e-mail:</group><group id="934B0650-13BD-4613-880A-50083BBB0136" type="seoLabels">