A jolly good time: Scenes from the 2021 Harrisburg Lights Parade
Santa was in excellent form Thursday and the annual Harrisburg Lights Parade went off without a hitch, as even the weather cooperated. The parade lit up the city like a beacon as residents lined the streets to cheer each float and vehicle as it went by.
The group from the Carrier Mills Nursing and Rehabilitation Center had a good time.
A couple of riders inside the Country Christmas wagon.
Local kids show off their reindeer food!
In the courtyard, Santa's elves make sure the pictures are in focus.
Even the Grinch shows up for the parade.
The Saline County 4-H float, with bales of hay.
Above, the Future Farmers of America have a charming barnyard scene float.
He's decorated for a drive in the Lights Parade.
Before the parade, families wait in line to talk to Santa.
Santa kept the line moving, but always likes to spend a little time with each child.
A Country Christmas, as this charming horse and buggy go through the streets of Harrisburg.
M&S makes the most of their equipment in the parade.
What would the Lights Parade be without an entry from the Saline County 4-H?
Nine-year-old elf Sylvi Burroughs checks Santa's mailbox last Thursday in the courtyard, before the Lights Parade.
First responders were the grand marshals of the 2021 parade.