
Friends of the Shawnee hosting Shawnee Plunge

Pounds Hollow Recreation Area in Hardin County will be the site Saturday, March 1 for the fourth-annual Shawnee Plunge into Pounds Hollow Lake to support the Friends of the Shawnee National Forest and the Equality Fire Department.

Advanced registration can be made online at Onsite check-in will begin at 1:30 p.m. on March 1. The plunge starts at approximately 3 p.m.

Donations are welcome. Participants are encouraged to gather donations among family and friends. Teams are encouraged.

Children are welcome to participate at the discretion of the child’s parent or guardian. For individuals under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must sign a participant waiver at the event site. Food and hot beverages will be served at Pounds Hollow and fire rings will be set up.

Internet access at Pounds Hollow Recreation Area is extremely limited. Please bring cash and your checkbook. Shawnee National Forest merchandise will be available for purchase.

Several events leading up to the Plunge are planned, starting at approximately 9:30 a.m. with a guided interpretive hike. A forest therapy session will be held midmorning. Live music will be performed beginning at 12:30.

The beach will be set up for volleyball; cornhole bags and frisbees will be available.

Taylor Made Food Company will begin serving food in the morning.

Updated and additional information about the Plunge can be found at the Friends of the Shawnee Facebook page at