Greensburg mayor hopes for reborn townMay 08, 2007 11:00 pm - While the shattered remains of his town lay at his feet, the future of Greensburg is what Mayor Lonnie McCollum has his eyes set on. An optimistic man, he sees the yea...
VIDEO REPORT: Greensburg family takes GateHouse into tornado destroyed homeMay 08, 2007 11:00 pm - Amber Mertens and Eric Horn were on hand in the tornado-destroyed community of Greensburg, Kan., on Tuesday, helping Eric's mom, Susan Horn, search through the rubble. ...
VIDEO REPORT: Greensburg survivors reflect on devestation of tornadoMay 08, 2007 11:00 pm - Residents returned to their homes this week to try to salvage any belongings not destroyed in the tornado. They reflected while sifting through the rubble. ...
May 8, 2007 AM BudgetMay 07, 2007 11:00 pm - GateHouse National News Service Budget 5.8 morning (All times are central) VOLUNTEERS - From the moment the sirens blared Friday night to warn residents of Greensburg, ...
Bush to visit GreensburgMay 07, 2007 11:00 pm - President Bush is expected Wednesday to visit the tornado-ravaged town of Greensburg. U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts, of Kansas, announced Monday afternoon in Washington, D.C., t...
GateHouse National News Service Tornado Budget 5/8 (afternoon)May 07, 2007 11:00 pm - GateHouse National News Service Budget 5.8 afternoon budget (All times are central) Here is a look at content we're planning today. You can access this content ...
Fort Riley soldiers, reserve police officer arrested for looting in GreensburgMay 07, 2007 11:00 pm - Four active duty Fort Riley soldiers in uniform and a reserve police officer from a central Kansas community were arrested Saturday in Greensburg for looting. The five w...
Definitions of vocabulary terms related to tornadoesMay 07, 2007 11:00 pm - Tornado - A violently rotating column of air, usually pendant to a cumulonimbus, with circulation reaching the ground. It nearly always starts as a funnel cloud and ...
By the numbersMay 07, 2007 11:00 pm - 24: Hours after a direct hit on Greensburg, Kan., by an EF-5 tornado Friday, the Federal Emergency Management Agency arrived, according to FEMA Administrator David Pauli...
Residents begin to dig through what remains of their homes and businessesMay 07, 2007 11:00 pm - As residents returned to town for the first time Monday, they found a scene more alarming than the sirens that sounded Friday night alerting them to the powerful tornado...