
Monday morning fire destroys Traveler's Restaurant in Dubois

Firefighters from six fire departments were called at 4:40 a.m. Monday to the scene of a very hot and fast-moving fire that destroyed Traveler's Restaurant in Dubois, one of the last historic roadhouses in Southern Illinois.

"Today is a sad day for all of us. Travelers is gone! An era has passed!" owners Curt and Monica Bochantin posted on their Facebook page this morning.

The couple purchased the well-traveled roadhouse in 2001. Except for special occasions the favorite dining haunt was largely open on weekends in an off-and-on dining economy.

The Bochantins sat in a state fire marshal's van talking about the restaurant and the fire as firefighters were rolling up hoses after the fire was out.

Ashley Fire Chief Jack Boczek said the call apparently came into Washington County Central Dispatch from a passerby.

Firefighters from Ashley, Nashville, Tamaroa, Addieville, Hoyleton and Irvington all sent equipment and personnel to the scene.

"I would say it's a total loss," said Boczek, as he paused from his work to talk about the fire on the parking lot in front of the restaurant.

The Bochantins told him the restaurant was insured.

He said the fire either started in the southeast corner of the restaurant and spread to the nearby garage or started in the garage and spread to the restaurant.

The garage, vehicles and equipment stored inside were a total loss. It looks as if the fire could have started there, then moved from that building northwest into the restaurant.

Although the west and north dining room walls were left standing, the south side of the building and all of the roof received extraordinary fire damage.

The morning got colder as work to fight the fire wore on. "It was warmer when we first got here that it is now," said Boczek.

Traveler's famous homemade onion rings were the signature offering of the restaurant whose menu included crab-stuffed mushrooms, steakburgers, breast of chicken, catfish, tilapia and sirloin and T-bone steaks and prime rib dinners.

Firemen finished rolling up hoses around 9:30 a.m. No one was injured in fighting the fire.