Congratulations! Here are the 2022 Saline County 4-H Dairy Goat Show winners
The Saline County 4-H Dairy Goat Show was held in the Sam Stafford Livestock Building on July 26. Thank you to our judge Aiden Waychoff and to our Goat Superintendent, Rachel Parish.
The 2022 Saline County 4-H Dairy Goat Senior Showmanship Grand Champion was Emma Carlile and Reserve Champion was Allie Murphy. Junior Showmanship Grand Champion was Raylan Murphy, with Reserve Champion honors going to Makenzie Murphy.
The ribbon for Grand Champion Breeding Diary Goat went to Jaylee Evans and the Reserve Champion ribbon went to Emma Carlile. Jaylee and Emma, respectively, also won the Overall Champion Breeding and Overall Reserve Champion Breeding banners (sponsored by Saline County Farm Bureau) and coolers from the Friends of Saline County 4-H.
Allie Murphy showed the Grand Champion Market Dairy Goat, with Raylan Murphy showing the Reserve Champion Market Dairy Goat. Allie and Raylan, respectively, also won the Overall Champion Market and Overall Reserve Champion Market banners (sponsored by Saline County Farm Bureau) and coolers from the Friends of Saline County 4-H.
Dairy Goat Bred & Owned Champion, Emma Carlile, received a plaque and a monetary gift sponsored by Anderson Crop Insurance - Phil and Karen Anderson.
Saline County 4-H would like to send out a special thank you to the Saline County Fair and manager Chris Evans for hosting our shows, to ROC One and the Russell family for donating ice for all of our 4-H Show concession days, and to Harrisburg Town & Country Lions Club and John Endsley Jr., for providing the watermelon that we love so much.
Congratulations to all the exhibitors!
<i> Nancy Lambert, with U of I Extension, is 4-H program coordinator for Saline County.</i>