
Egyptian Health CEO gets Kiwanis up to date on COVID-19

Angie Hampton, CEO of the Egyptian Health Department, updated the Harrisburg Kiwanis Club recently about the recent COVID-19 upsurge.

Hampton indicated that the data she presented changes daily, so readers should take that into consideration.

As of Aug. 18, 34.29% of Saline County residents have been fully vaccinated with 15,863 doses having been administered.

Hampton said there have there have been 52 "breakthrough" cases reported in the Egyptian Health Department's three-county service area (Saline, Gallatin and White counties) from December 2020 through Aug. 17, 2021. Breakthrough cases are people who have been fully vaccinated but still test positive for COVID.

Forty-six of the 52 breakthrough cases have been mild to moderate, with only two people hospitalized and four who had no symptoms at all, she said.

Breakthrough cases equate to only 0.3% of people who are fully vaccinated.

Hampton warned, however, that figures quoted are based on reported cases. If someone takes a home test and tests positive but doesn't report it to the health department, then data can be skewed.

Hampton reported that 99% of new COVID-19 cases have been classed as the Delta variant. Of the occupied ICU beds in Region 5, which includes almost all of southern Illinois, the majority of COVID-19 patients have not been vaccinated.

Meanwhile, booster shots of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are now being recommended for fully vaccinated people who are immunocompromised, Hampton said.

Immunocompromised individuals who are 8 months out from their second vaccination, may receive a booster.

As of Sept. 20, booster shots may be administered to ALL fully vaccinated people whose second shots were eight months before.

It's also not too late to be vaccinated the first time. The Egyptian Health Department holds vaccination clinics every Thursday from 1 to 6 p.m.

Besides getting vaccinated, wearing a mask is also recommended for prevention, she said.